Project Beta 64

Finally, after almost 2 years of development, Project Beta 64 is officially PUBLICLY AVALIABLE! Travel through stage after stage as you explore what the Mushroom Kingdom has to offer!
This has been a hobby of ours for the better part of a year and a half and we're excited for it to finally be publicly available!
The ROM you are bout to play is NOT from a couple of days ago, NOT from a couple of weeks ago, but from SEPTEMBER 2021
This is because both Taxi Yoshi and I have lost every version made afterwards due to Windows updates breaking our installs :/
HOWEVER, We have still put up this ROM so this project has a purpose and so anyone can still play it
For those of you who were here since the project began, we are sorry you've had to tolerate our mishaps and broken promises,
but thank you for sticking around till the end, you guys ROCK!
Once again, thank you for downloading our ROM hack and enjoy the show!