Pikmin - Olimar's Descent

Olimar has crashed his ship on an unknown planet during a space voyage! Will he be able to recover his ship parts and escape back into space?

I hope you enjoy my first romhack!

This hack was created for Simpleflips' 2024 Slide Competition using HackerSM64. Thank you very much to the RHDC discord, HackerSM64 discord, and Simpleflips discord servers, as well as all the numerous guides and tutorials online (far too many to properly name individually!) that helped this project get to where it is today.

- No 100 coin star
- Red coin star at 6 total, and extra coins are supplied
- Falling off respawns you at the start of each section
- Return to ship from pause menu to restart from the beginning
- Absolutely not optimized for console, don't even try it. This is my first hack and I have no way to test it. The levels are huge in tri count, I'm sorry.

*** NOTE: If ParaLLel is causing RCP hangups near the end of the hack, try GLideN64.

I take no ownership of any Pikmin IP, Nintendo is the sole owner. This is a short and sweet fan project.